School Readiness
You’ll love the reliability and flexibility, and your child will love our practice of Flight Curriculum Framework in a fun, safe, responsive environment.
Early Learning Program
Preschool Learners grow and develop in multiple ways every day. The early learning program at SOS is designed to meet the needs of all children by providing many experiences for them to practice and build upon the skills they already have while incorporating new knowledge. Our primary goal is to provide access to the opportunities that promote school success and recognize and facilitate each child’s interests, needs and differences.
Learning Program

At no additional cost, we offer Early learning hours between 9:10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Children who do not participate in the Early learning classes have choices of various enrichment activities at learning stations to nurture children’s social, physical, intellectual, cognitive, and emotional abilities.

Learning Objectives
The Early learning hours are structured to specific learning objectives promoting language, early literacy, prewriting, early numeracy, communication, cognitive skills, self-help, and social development.

School Readiness
At Seeds of Success, we aim to recognize and strengthen children’s learning dispositions and to create affirming stories that identify children as “mighty learners.” Since children develop at an individual rate and holistically in response to their environments, they enter school with varied readiness levels.